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Notes to Financial Statements
Note 6 - Disclosures to the Statement of Income and Loss
Note 7 - Balance Sheet Disclosures
Note 9 - Other Disclosures
Accounting Policies
Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Note 6 - Disclosures to the Statement of Income and Loss (Tables)
Note 7 - Balance Sheet Disclosures (Tables)
Note 8 - Disclosure of Financial Instruments and Risk Management (Tables)
Note 9 - Other Disclosures (Tables)
Notes Details
Note 1 - General Information (Details Textual)
Note 4 - Significant Accounting Policies (Details Textual)
Note 5 - Segment Information (Details Textual)
Note 6 - Disclosures to the Statement of Income and Loss (Details Textual)
Note 6 - Disclosures to the Statement of Income and Loss - Cost of Research and Development (Details)
Note 6 - Disclosures to the Statement of Income and Loss - Selling and Distribution Expenses (Details)
Note 6 - Disclosures to the Statement of Income and Loss - General and Administrative Expenses (Details)
Note 6 - Disclosures to the Statement of Income and Loss - Additional Information on Nature of Expenses (Details)
Note 6 - Disclosures to the Statement of Income and Loss - Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Note 6 - Disclosures to the Statement of Income and Loss - Temporary Differences for which No Deferred Tax Assets Recognized (Details)
Note 6 - Disclosures to the Statement of Income and Loss - Unused Tax Losses for which No Deferred Tax Assets Recognized (Details)
Note 6 - Disclosures to the Statement of Income and Loss - Reconciliation of Effective Income Tax (Details)
Note 7 - Balance Sheet Disclosures (Details Textual)
Note 7 - Balance Sheet Disclosures - Intangible Assets (Details)
Note 7 - Balance Sheet Disclosures - Property, Plant and Equipment (Details)
Note 7 - Balance Sheet Disclosures - Right-of-use Assets (Details)
Note 7 - Balance Sheet Disclosures - Other Current Financial Assets (Details)
Note 7 - Balance Sheet Disclosures - Cash and Cash Equivalent (Details)
Note 7 - Balance Sheet Disclosures - Advance Payments received from customers (Details)
Note 7 - Balance Sheet Disclosures - Changes in Loans and Participation Rights (Details)
Note 7 - Balance Sheet Disclosures - Financial Liabilities (Details)
Note 7 - Balance Sheet Disclosure - Provisions and Contingent Liabilities - Current Other Liabilities (Details)
Note 7 - Balance Sheet Disclosure - Provisions and Contingent Liabilities (Details)
Note 8 - Disclosure of Financial Instruments and Risk Management (Details Textual)
Note 8 - Disclosure of Financial Instruments and Risk Management - Financial Liabilities (Details)
Note 8 - Disclosure of Financial Instruments and Risk Management - Currency Risk (Details)
Note 8 - Disclosure of Financial Instruments and Risk Management - Changes in Level 3 Items (Details)
Note 8 - Disclosure of Financial Instruments and Risk Management - Total Interest Income and Expenses (Details)
Note 9 - Other Disclosures (Details Textual)
Note 9 - Other Disclosures - Fair Value of the Share Options (Details)
Note 9 - Other Disclosures - Loans and Advance Payments from Key Management Personnel and Other Related Parties (Details)
Note 9 - Other Disclosures - Reconciliation of Liabilities Arising From Financing Activities (Details)
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